Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why am I losing feeling in my knee after a slip/fall injury?

I was inline skating outside on the pavement and suddenly fell (no kneepads). I landed on my left knee and immediately felt pain. It started swelling and so I iced it and soaked in epsom salt. The next day, my knee felt better, and I was able to walk the next evening with little to no pain. I just now noticed (it's been 3 days now) that the upper left side of my left knee has gone completely numb. You could put a needle through the skin and I wouldn't feel a thing. I don't have health insurance so I need an explanation as to what has occurred in my knee. It's barely sore but I'm really afraid as to thecause of the numbness, should I be worried? I don't think I fractured it because it would be hurting more if I did. Why am I losing feeling in my knee? P.S. It's still just a little swollen and sore.

Why am I losing feeling in my knee after a slip/fall injury?
besides possibly tearing any ligaments or cartilages, you may also have nerve damage. go to a free clinic and get ur knee checked out ASAPPPPPP
Reply:you could have some damage to a tendon or something, check with a doctor..
Reply:don't you have free walk-in clinics in the states?
Reply:Nerve damage.
Reply:Nerve damage. I got the same thing after knee surgery. That was about 7 years ago, and the feeling still isn't completely back on the left side of my knee
Reply:Well my grandpa lost feeling in 4 of his fingers and the doc. said that he would lose feeling in those 4 fingers for about a year. But they also put him on medication so you should probably see a doctor sometime soon!

P.S- feel better and take my advice! :)
Reply:It could be nerve damage. Why ask here? Go to a doctor!

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