Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am thinking about getting a pair of skates but unsure which ones to get!!! quads or inline skates???

If you are planning on skating outside, inlines are almost always the prefered choice. They are faster than quad skates and are less prone to tripping over debris or disrupted pavement (ie: fewer falls).

If you are planning on skating in indoor rinks or doing dance moves, then the quads have more manueverability.

When looking at inlines, I recommend ones with 80mm or larger wheels. Replacements are much more common, larger wheels roll easier and smoother.

You want the skate to feel slightly snug all around your feet but not on the ends of your toes. The skates should become a part of your feet instead of letting the feet move around inside.

If you don't have a bicycle helmet, get one. Head injuries are rare but can be devistating. I know quite a few skaters and a couple have convinced themselves to wear one the hard way after putting up with days or months of headaches. One local skater died after hitting his unprotected head on the ground (no other objects) in a fall.

Wrist guards will protect your hands from getting chewed up.

I am thinking about getting a pair of skates but unsure which ones to get!!! quads or inline skates???
inline is so much easier and fun.

windows media player 11

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